Monday, April 22, 2024

monthly blog post - graphics and stuff


i've been lately getting into the habit of just working on random "artwork" and such to express some feelings and stuff, and i think they have been turning out pretty good i think it captures those feelings quite well. now if you cant feel those feelings it doesnt matter. just as long you enjoy my stuff ill be happy.

work on my website

i've been updating my website daily since i think the start of april? not sure. the updates were nothing major, until recently where ive "overhauled" my website. i think it looks good, could use some polishing but nothing is perfect.

really short blog post considering its the end of the month and i thought i would have more to share but whateva.                                                                      


monthly blog post - i missed june forgive me

ok i forgot to make a monthly blog post for june super sorry, but i think i had a right to miss one monthly blog post where nothing happened...